October 22nd, 2006

An Answer to Prayer


Recent events in the life of a friend caused me to ponder today about God’s timing and my prayers. I’ve been praying lately for something to happen around a certain time for this friend’s benefit. When today it became apparent that my prayer will most likely not be answered during the time I requested, I began to wonder… why?

Why should I target a certain timeframe if the Lord is going to do things on His own time? Can my prayers make the Lord change His mind? Or since the Lord knows the end from beginning, and all time is before Him, would my prayer even make a difference?

I kneeled to pray on this subject tonight. 10 minutes later as I was headed towards the kitchen I turned on the TV. I had last watched BYUTV, so naturally this channel was selected when I turned on the TV. BYUTV was playing a rebroadcast of the 2002 Women’s Conference. The woman speaking was Elaine S. Marshall, Dean of the College of Nursing at BYU.

Her topic? “According to the Own Due Time of the Lord”.

This talk directly answered my prayer. While I’m still confused on a few things, much of what Sister Marshall said resonated within me and answered some of my concerns.

The excellent talk can be downloaded (as a PDF) here.

One Response to “An Answer to Prayer”

  1. Robert
    October 23, 2006 at 7:11 am #

    I believe that prayer is always heard. However, if you look at the Lord’s prayer, the phrase, “thy will be done” is a key sentiment of this prayer. Basically, I believe the Lord’s will is ALWAYS done, and our focus should be on accepting God’s will.

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